Logo Screenshot to Layout

Generate editable text from a screenshot (or sketch).

How to use

Select an image in Figma, search for the “Screenshot to Layout” plugin. First, create an account to get an API key, and enter the key in the plugin. Then run the plugin command “Process image”, and then see a Figma layout appear with editable text.

Get started

  1. You will need a free Screenshot to Layout account to use this plugin. Go to https://figma.obra.studio/register to sign up.
  2. After signing up you will find an API key on your dashboard.
  3. Enter your API key in the plugin via Plugins > Screenshot to Layout > Show user interface
  4. From now on, anytime you want to convert a screenshot to editable text, either use the “Process image” button in the UI or run the process image command for quick access. Use the ⌘+/ menu and enter the words “Process image”.

Feedback & support

Stuck? Any suggestions? E-mail us for Feedback and support.